Energy Advice & Additional Support

There are many organisations in Warwickshire and Solihull who can provide practical advice and help to residents who may be struggling or who would just like some more information for family members, friends or neighbours. Why not pop into a local Warm Hub or Winter Warm Hub for a coffee, chat and the chance to find out more about other groups and support that may be available?

If you’re looking for online advice on where to turn this winter, below is an Information & Resources pack compiled by WRCC with downloadable documents.

You can also find below a list of national and local websites with resources and contact numbers that may also be helpful.

Please note that the information below may be subject to change and will be updated as and when necessary.

Warm Hubs Information & Resource Packs

WRCC has collated information packs for distribution via WRCC’s Warm Hubs, Winter Warm Hubs, and Mobile Warm Hub service. These packs for 2023-24, along with free carbon monoxide alarms, are currently being delivered to hubs in our network. Some of the resources are displayed here.

Pack contents may vary but will include a selection of the following:

  1. Act on Energy – No cost and low  cost energy saving tips
  2. British Red Cross – Self kindness toolkit
  3. Cadent – Keeping you safe and warm (12 page version or 5 page version)
  4. Centre for Sustainable Energy – Tackling damp and mould
  5. Centre for Sustainable Energy – Simple DIY draft-proofing
  6. Independent Age – Financial help in cold weather
  7. Money Saving Expert – Cost of household appliances
  8. NEA – Your home energy checklist
  9. Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council – Here 2 Help Winter 2023-24
  10. Warwickshire County Council – Winter Wellness 2023-324 and Warwickshire Local Welfare Fund
  11. Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service – Safe and Well home check
  12. WRCC Warm Hubs – Thermometer card with practical tips and key contacts

Please email our Warm Hubs team if you would like downloads of any of the above (except for the thermometer card) or if you would like us to send you an Information & Resource pack.

Energy Advice & Cost of Living Support

Help for Households

You can find updated government information on the Cost of Living Payment, Disability Cost of Living Payment, Pensioner Cost of Living Payment, Household Support Fund, help with paying water bills, and any more support that may become available.


The independent energy regulator has advice on checking if you’re owed money on your energy bill, making a complaint and other consumer rights, as well as information about smart meters and ECO support, aimed at improving home heating for vulnerable households.


The UK’s largest gas distribution network – and sponsors of WRCC’s Warm Hubs project since November 2020 –  offers a range of practical tips and suggestions to help you minimise energy use, save money and protect the environment. These include adding your details to the Priority Services Register and using the Turn2Us Benefits Calculator (see below) to check anonymously what benefits you may be entitled to.

You can also find out how to protect yourself against poisonous carbon monoxide.  If you smell gas, immediately call Cadent via the free 24 hour emergency service line: 0800 111999.

National Energy Action

The national fuel poverty charity has a useful list of resources, including a range of advice and information leaflets and short “how to” guides, eg reading bills, meters etc.

NEA also runs a wide range of online training courses, including those currently supporting volunteers at Warm Hubs and Winter Warm Hubs.

Centre for Sustainable Energy

This national energy charity has more practical factsheets and  information, including advice on preventing damp and mould and practical DIY ventilation. home ventilation and more, including this easy guide on how to make a draught excluder snake. And there’s there’s a useful flyer for a “whole house approach” to retrofitting your property.

Act on Energy

Act on Energy leaflet

This environmental charity offers a free advice line on 0800 988 2881 if you’re struggling with bill payments or need advice on energy related issues – they can also provide home energy checks and have a range of online resources.

Act on Energy can also advise on energy efficient home improvement schemes such as the recent Home Upgrade Grants Phase 2 (HUG2).

Better Housing Better Health

Better Housing Better Health leaflet

BHBH is a longstanding service working to reduce the number of people in fuel poverty and improve domestic warmth & wellbeing. It is coordinated by the National Energy Foundation and involves many other organisations to support this service.

Warwickshire County Council

Warwickshire services are working together to help people find the information they need to manage increased household costs, including a Winter Wellness brochure and this useful site: Cost of Living Warwickshire.

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Solihull Council has worked with local voluntary groups to create this information booklet to help residents: Here 2 Help Winter 2023-24. West Midlands Fire Service also has a detailed Safe and Well booklet including free home safety checks: Safe and Well Booklet – West Midlands Fire Service (

Money Saving Expert

Find a huge range of advice from Martin Lewis and his team, including help on calculating your future energy bills, via this consumer advice site. Plus you can subscribe to their free weekly savings email.


Additional Contacts & Support

Here are more links to support organisations that may be helpful. This is not an exhaustive list and will continue to be updated.

In the meantime, more information (particularly for local support groups) may be available via WRCC’s network of Warm Hubs and Winter Warm Hubs and our Mobile Warm Hub service.

Age UK

Carers Trust

Citizens Advice

Healthwatch Warwickshire


Safe and Well Visits – Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Services and West Midlands Fire Service (Coventry & Solihull)

Solihull Help With Food & Fuel

Warwickshire and Solihull CAVA (Community and Voluntary Action)

Warwickshire Foodbanks

WRCC Energyoil syndicate for residents with off mains services

We will continue to update this page with additional contacts, information and resources.

Please email us  if you are are a community group, charity or corporate organisation who would like to help support our communities via the Warm Hubs project.