Young at Heart Club

Coleshill Community Centre, 2 Temple Way, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 1LB

Tuesdays from 10.00am – 1.00pm and 2.00pm – 4.00pm

PLEASE NOTE:  The morning Warm Hub will be closed between 20 August and 10 September due to Council maintenance work.  Bingo will be held in the Town Hall during this time.

Serving the community in the north of Coleshill.

The morning session is free. Please come along and enjoy tea, coffee, milk, cake and biscuits.   We have an exchange library, magazines, jigsaws, puzzle books, refreshments, a warm safe place and more importantly company.

In the afternoon join us for a fun game of Bingo, £3 entry plus purchase of book and raffle ticket.  Tea, biscuits and cake available.