SDC – recent planning policy updates
There have recently been updates on a number of planning policy documents at Stratford-on-Avon District Council, as listed below.
- Local Development Scheme (LDS)
The July 2020 version of the LDS has now been adopted and is available to view at www.stratford.gov.uk/planning-building/local-development-scheme.cfm
The LDS is a work programme that provides information about the Local Plan/Development Plan Documents that the Council will produce, setting out the subject and geographical area that each document will cover and the timetable for its preparation and revision.
- Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS)
The Council’s first IFS was adopted by the Council on 13 July 2020: https://www.stratford.gov.uk/planning-building/infrastructure-planning.cfm
The IFS provides a summary of the receipt and spend of planning permission developer contributions relating to S106 Agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for the 2018/19 year. It also includes a list of infrastructure projects that the Council will consider spending its CIL funds on and a spending protocol that sets out the process that the Council will undertake for allocating CIL monies.
Infrastructure Funding Statements are a new government requirement, and the Council’s newly adopted IFS covers the 2018/19 period. It will be updated on an annual basis to ensure that the information on developer contributions and list of infrastructure projects remains up to date. The 2019/20 IFS is due to be published by December 2020.
- Loxley Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)
The Loxley NDP was ‘made’ on 13 July 2020. It is now formally part of the District Council’s development plan and will be used to assist in making decisions on planning applications within the NDP area.
- Part V (Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation) of the Development Requirements Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
This new part of the Development Requirements SPD focuses on climate change adaptation and mitigation and was adopted by the Council on 13 July 2020: www.stratford.gov.uk/devreq-spd. The SPD provides additional guidance on the interpretation and implementation of a number of policies within the Council’s Core Strategy and is a material consideration that will be used by the Council to help reach decisions on planning applications.
A six-week period of public consultation on the draft Part V of the SPD was held between 9 January and 21 February 2020 and the Consultation Statement on the Council’s webpage summarises the comments received and the Council’s responses.
- Revised Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Instalments Policy
In light of Covid-19 and the expected economic impact on the development and construction industries, the Council has adopted a revised instalments policy for CIL payments in order to temporarily relax the payment deadlines. https://www.stratford.gov.uk/planning-building/charging-schedule.cfm
The revised policy adds 6 months to the instalment deadlines and will provide additional flexibility to developers in making their infrastructure contributions. Once the financial effects of Covid-19 have eased the intention is for the policy to return back to its original version, this will require Council approval at the appropriate point in time. The revised policy applies to developments that commence from 20 July 2020 onwards, and until the policy reverts back to the original February 2018 version.
If you have any queries on any of the information above please contact planning.policy@stratford-dc.gov.uk.