Making Warwickshire the best it can be – refreshing the Council plan


sarah brooke-taylor


Our county has a great track record of stepping forward to meet big challenges. The last year and a half have been no different. Thousands of people and organisations have worked together to tackle COVID-19, support those most at risk, and look out for each other’s welfare and mental well-being.

Collectively, we have found new ways to solve problems and get things done. There are still big challenges ahead of us: driving economic recovery; getting people back into work; tackling climate change; challenging inequalities; prioritising wellbeing; and keeping our communities healthy, safe and connected.

As we step forward from this extraordinary chapter we are developing a new five year Council Plan and want your views.

Our ambition remains to make Warwickshire the best it can be, now and for future generations. We want Warwickshire to be a brilliant county in which to grow up, work and prosper and grow old. We are proposing three outcomes to achieve our ambitions so that Warwickshire is:

  1. A county with a vibrant economy and places with the right jobs, skills, and infrastructure.
  2. A place where people can live their best lives; where communities and individuals are supported to live safely, healthily, happily and independently.
  3. A place with sustainable futures which means adapting to and mitigating climate change and meeting net zero commitments.