In Memoriam: Dr. John Bland
Just before Christmas, WRCC was informed by the family of Dr. John Bland, our Honorary Vice-President and long-term supporter, that he had passed away. Dr. Bland was involved with WRCC for over 40 years, and his contributions have left a lasting legacy on our organisation. Notably, his dedication to supporting communities in North Warwickshire and ensuring WRCC’s county-wide operations remain a priority for us.
WRCC trustees, staff, and volunteers express their condolences and best wishes to Dr. Bland’s family and friends. We are grateful for and recognise Dr. Bland’s unwavering commitment to the organisation’s charitable purpose. His influence is evident in the many services WRCC offers today and will continue to shape our future strategy.
Dr. Bland’s funeral will be held at 2 pm on Wednesday, 5 February 2025, at St. Wilfrid’s, Rectory Road, Old Arley. The family wishes for the event to be a celebration of John’s achievements and encourages attendees to wear colourful attire, reflecting his love for vibrant waistcoats. The service will be livestreamed via this LINK (password: BL2025).
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to St. Wilfrid’s and St. Michael’s churches for their upkeep. Donations can be made via this LINK and will be accepted for four weeks after the funeral.